Prosthetic Alternatives To Surgical Breast Reconstruction
Toronto and St. Catharines ON
A good information source on lymphedema for women to self educate themselves on the risks and what they can do to avoid or manage this condition which often is the aftermath of breast cancer treatment.
Where to find a specialist in treating lymphedema so one can have treatment before the symptoms develop or to mange symptoms that ocurr.
Research Sources
A good peer reviewed medical journal that is free to access once one has registered on the website. A very good source of information on the latest research on breast cancer.
A data base of journal abstracts on the USA National Institute of Health  (NIH)  website. Excellent source for finding latest research on breast cancer topics.
Environmental Toxins
Office of the Auditor General of Canada Report on Chemicals in Consumer Products and Cosmetics
More information about chemicals in consumer products, including lead in lipstick, and phthalates in deodorant.