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Why You Should Choose 
a  New Attitude Breast Prosthesis

We have over 20 years of experience working with women and our Founder, Irene Healey is an industry innovator. Using a proprietary design process and specialized materials that only we have, we create a custom made prosthetic solution that is unique for each woman. We make sure each New Attitude custom prosthesis is the very best it can be.

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Creating Natural Looking Shapes

New Attitude specializes in the artistic sculpting of the shape of breast prostheses so they appear natural and look as if they belong to the body. Our "know how" creates a prosthesis that is sculpted to stay in place and move with the body. When the arm is raised, the New Attitude prosthesis gently "floats" on the skin and moves with the body an a manner that is similar to a natural breast.

Woman with New Attitude bilateral breast prostheses

A Shape that Fits

We specialize in sculpting natural looking prostheses that appear life like and as if they belong to your body. Our bilateral prostheses stay in place with just the light pressure of a tight fitting top.

Woman with New Attitude bilateral breast prostheses

A Shape That Moves

Our soft lightweight material feels like breast tissue and stays in location as the the body moves. As you change position the New Attitude prosthesis will move the way a natural breast moves.

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Making a Functional Fit

A custom made breast prosthesis alway starts by making a copy of the contours of the chest. However, it is much more than that. The profile of a person's chest changes with movement. New Attitude does an analysis of how the chest changes through a range of motion and we often modify the initial body replica to create a more enhanced and comfortable "dynamic" or "functional fit".

Front view of woman with a left side mastectomy.

A Fit to Your Anatomy

Through our design process, we decide the exact location for the prosthesis and test to verify the correct placement. The copy we make is used to form the back of the breast prosthesis.

Front view of woman with a left side mastectomy with her left arm raised

A Fit Designed to Move With You

We do an analysis of your body movements and use these studies to decide how we modify the fit. By doing this analysis, our custom breast prosthesis will always comfortably move with the body.

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A Realistic Skin Colour Match

Using our artistic skills to create a life like colour match that is different for each woman

Close up of realistic New Attitude breas

Artistic Colour Match

An accurate rendering of the skin with all the skin variations is an important feature. This enables you to wear lace and sheer bras and transparent tops.

New Attitude custom breast prosthesis for an afro-american usr. ser.

Realistic Skin Colour

Our beautiful coloured breast prosthesis is made to match any skin tone. This  shows the level of care and attention to detail we have in everything we do.

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Using Artistic Skills in Medical Prosthetics

Creating the exact shape and the colour to make a beautiful custom breast prosthesis.

Realistic New Attitude Breast prosthesis

Highest Level of Craft

Many small steps are required to make a custom breast prosthesis at the level of New Attitude. We are committed to doing the very best for our clients.

Anaplastologist working with a patient for a New Attitude custom breast prosthesis.

Attention to Detail

We focus on the many things that go into making the best possible custom breast prosthesis. We work with each client and involve them in every step.

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Our Own Superior Materials

We do continuous R&D to develop our own specialized materials that only we have.

New Attitude Custom Made Breast Prosthesis

Our Own Materials

New Attitude does continuous research and has developed our own materials working together with material scientists. We have developed a lightweight and tissue like material called Senolite

Woman with a New Attitude breast prosthesis leaning forward.

Soft and Lightweight

Using our specialized material Senolite, the New Attitude prosthesis is soft, lightweight and comfortable. It stays in position and will not fall forward when when you lean over.

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Giving You Choice in What You Wear

The New Attitude breast prosthesis is designed to be worn in the regular good fitting  bras that you choose to wear.

Close up of woman in a white lace bra

Wearing Any Bra

There is no reason to use a "mastectomy bra". We create our custom breast prosthesis to be used with any of the good fitting bras that our clients prefer.

Woman in a white Chantelle bra and a left side New Attitude breast prosthesis.

Look Like Yourself

Our goal is to have you go into a bra store and see a pretty bra that fits well and be able to buy it and use it with the New Attitude custom breast prosthesis.

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Restoring Symmetry

Women don't have to change how they dress. The New Attitude prosthesis restores symmetry even when the body is no longer symmetrical. We use our proprietary design algorithm to design a prosthesis that fits with the body and restores the appearance so women will always be able to wear the clothing they want.

Close up of a woman in a white sweater.

Wear What You Want

Part of returning to your pre-diagnosis life is being able to wear the clothing you enjoyed before your breast cancer treatment. This is our goal.

Woman with a tight brown tee shirt using a New Attitude custom breast prosthesis.

Wear What You Like

We make sure that the New Attitude custom breast prosthesis comfortably restores your symmetry and restores the appearance.

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Contributing to Your Quality of Life

An important feature of the New Attitude custom made breast prosthesis is helping women return to the activities they enjoyed before their breast cancer diagnosis and enabling them to start new activities that contribute to their enjoyment of life.

Woman in a bathing suit sitting outdoors on a railing with a breast prosthesis

Enjoying Life

The benefit of a long lasting New Attitude custom made breast prosthesis is that there are no more scars on the stomach or on the back from reconstructive surgery.

A wind surfer seen from a distance who is a breast cancer survivor and uses a New Attitude breast pr

Staying Active

Woman want to remain strong and active after their breast cancer treatment, have a healthy lifestyle and continue with activities they did in the past and start doing new things.

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New Attitude uses art and technology to create the very best custom breast prostheses for women after breast cancer to restore their appearance and help contribute to their quality of life after their treatment. Beauty heals.

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Do you have any questions? Call us and speak with Irene

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416 534 2762

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